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November 2008 Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness
Tips, Techniques and Resources
Happy 50th Anniversary!
  Cultural Detective Debuts Newest Packages CD Belgium cover

Have you checked out what's new lately? Quite a lot, actually, including the debut of our online tool, iReality, and the 50th and 51st packages in our series, Denmark and Belgium. In 3 1/2 years our team has grown and so has the product line we are able to provide you. We are proud to say that our site license renewal rate is 130%! Meaning, thus far, 100% renewal, with many renewals involving an upgrade in materials licensed.

To help you be sure you're up to date with latest developments, we have put together a quick online game entitled "Rags to Riches." Give it a shot and test your knowledge.

Does Comparative Law Show "Global" Values?
Alan Richter   Major Study Validates CD Approach Int'l Court of Justice logo

Would a comparative examination of the world's constitutional texts and practice of common law reveal the existence of "global" values, particularly as pertain to human rights?

This article summarizes research and findings from a major international study conducted by leading legal experts from 15 countries.

The Many Negative Effects of Corruption
  Tools and Resources for Change CD Global Business Ethics

Seeking to put an end to the misery, alienation and instability that corruption breeds, the 13th International Anti-Corruption Conference held 31 Oct - 2 Nov in Athens brought together more than 1,300 participants from 135 countries. The meeting culminated with a call for making corruption a key factor that must be addressed in order to strengthen financial, environmental and natural resources governance.

Participants explored ways to combat the many types of corruption that consistently undermine all facets of sustainability: fostering conflict and violence, distorting natural resource exploitation, aggravating climate change and hampering our response to it; all the while, deepening global inequalities.

Cultural Detective Global Business Ethics is one small way in which our community is seeking to educate people and effect positive change in the world. If you have not already examined it, please download a free preview and help us put it to good use where it is needed.

Transparency International has done incredibly valuable work in defining world citizen's experience of corruption, and the effect corruption has on development and human rights. TI annually conducts a worldwide public opinion poll that culminates in their "Global Corruption Barometer." You can view 2007 results by clicking below. 2009 data will focus on corruption in the private sector.

Simple Elegance
  Take a Moment for a Respite Canal City Hakata

Sometimes the best in innovation is not a quantum leap in technology, but a quantum leap in shifting one's mindset or approach. You've got to check this out.

Water features have been incorporated into the architecture of the world's most glorious civilizations, including Chinese, Moorish, Greek, Hindi, Roman ... Take a moment to think about some of your favorite world sites and water gardens.

While not as peaceful, perhaps, this fountain reconceives what a fountain is. It's located in Canal City, a shopping mall in Fukuoka, Japan, near where my little sister Miho lives. Once someone revisioned what falling water could be, surely it didn't take rocket science to develop the technology to realize the vision.

We at Cultural Detective are convinced that, with the right mindsets and approaches, bridging cultures can be as simple, elegant, and pleasurable as re-envisioning a water fountain. Enjoy!

Visit Our Archive
  Past Issues Online

We have archived past issues of the Cultural Detective newsletter, Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness, as well as some past news flashes. Past issues include instructions for interesting activities, theoretical discussions about intercultural issues, and links to many intercultural resources. We trust you'll enjoy what you find.


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