August 2012
| Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness Tips, Techniques and Resources |
 | Get Ready for Cultural Detective Online!! |
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Your Online Coach for Intercultural Effectiveness
Coming Soon!
Cultural Detective Online transforms cross-cultural learning by combining more than 50 of the series' packages into one interconnected and easy-to-use system. Subscribers receive a personal virtual intercultural coach that is available anytime, anywhere, online. The system lends itself equally well to cross-cultural development on one's own, with a coach, or as part of facilitated blended learning.
Cultural Detective Online subscribers have access to cultural Values and Challenges Lenses, 300+ cross-cultural incidents, and additional relevant content including cultural overviews, music lists, as well as bibliographies directing users to additional resources. The system acts as a coach by prompting the user to enter goals and objectives, summarize their learning and apply it to their real world cross-cultural challenges, and upload and analyze their own incidents.
From now through October 26, you can upload short (up to 45 seconds) video to compete for a chance to win a free subscription for your team or yourself.
One major multinational customer credits Cultural Detective with a 30% increase in customer satisfaction. Equip yourself and your staff for global effectiveness by subscribing to this very affordable cross-cultural virtual coaching system today!
Learn More about CD Online
 | "Your Colonialist Ways Never Seem to Change!" |
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One of the world's largest companies recruited, at much expense, a leading Nigerian scientist to head up a project; he was perhaps the only person in the world with the unique knowledge base, experience and connections needed to see this major project through to fruition. He resigned from the project prior to completion.
The Case of Who's in Charge: Who's language will we speak, provides a small taste of how African colonialism and slavery have created realities that affect power dynamics and attitudes in our organizations and communities that persist to this day.
Does post-colonialism exert a negative toll on your organization and people? Is there a way to transform these potentially negative forces into tools for dialogue, understanding, and organizational and societal transformation? Cultural Detective West Africa (covering Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria) authors, Doctors Emmanuel Ngomsi and Seidu Sofo, have very ably written materials that address these questions.
 | Cultural Detective 100%! |
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"We have achieved, for the first time in my five years working on the Learning and Development team, a 100% satisfaction rating from our learners. This is quite an achievement, considering that learners spent 12 hours over three days in the classroom. They typically are resistant to being in the classroom for more than two hours at any given time!"
Such feedback from one of our Fortune 500 Learning & Development Managers is so wonderful to hear and just as powerful is what led to these results! It is a great story to repeat. Take a read!
Read the Article
 | Work with Cultural Detective at These Conferences |
Intercultural Development Inventory Conference Minneapolis, MN USA Friday September 21, 10:30-noon
Session CS4-A
"A New Tool for a New Frontier: Using the MashUp of Cultural Detective and Personal Leadership fro IDI Guided Development"
Dianne Hofner Saphiere and Heather Robinson presenting
Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research, USA
Minneapolis, MN USA
Thursday October 18, 3:15-4:30
October 17-20 (session time not yet determined)
"Developing Intercultural Competence in a Virtual World"
Kris Bibler and Tatyana Fertelmeyster presenting
International Leadership Association Conference Denver, CO USA Friday October 26, 11:30-12:30
"A Leadership Development Process for Leveraging Cultural Differences as Creative Assets"
Dianne Hofner Saphiere and Thorunn Bjarnadottir presenting
International Leadership Association Conference Denver, CO USA Friday October 26, 10:30-noon
"Fast and Deep: Developing Intercultural Global Leadership Competence"
Dianne Hofner Saphiere and Barbara F. Schaetti presenting
 | Final Two Certification Opportunities This Year! |
Cannes and Minneapolis!
October 11-14 at the beautiful Cannes Mandelieu Holiday Village in Côte d'Azur, Mandelieu, France, George Simons will conduct a Cultural Detective Facilitator Certification course. Download or view detailed information, or download registration and payment details.
October 20-22, immediately after the SIETAR USA Congress in Minneapolis, MN USA, Tatyana Fertelmeyster will also facilitate a Cultural Detective Facilitator Certification. It will be the last one scheduled through the spring. Learn more or register.
Note that the Cultural Detective method and materials are usable under license; certification is not required. However, even 30 year+ experienced intercultural facilitators rave about what they learn in these workshops. We trust you'll join us!
 | Cultural Detectives Go Crazy about Food and Language! |
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Joe Lurie started it all with a terrific post, written in his inimitable style, entitled "Bicycling in the Yogurt: The French food fixation," about how a culture's preoccupations shape the way language is used.
This of course sparked Dianne to think about Japanese language and food, resulting in a post about onomatopoeia called, "Want to Feel Ukiuki, Pichipichi and Pinpin?"
And, since we were now talking East Asian food, that post prompted Joe to write another about Chinese expressions that involve food, entitled "The Squid Has Been Fried."
Please, we don't want to leave your language out! Submit your post related to food and language, and we will be most happy to feed those eager-to-eat Cultural Detectives out there!
 | Book Review: Communication Highwire |
Reviewed by Piper McNulty for the CATESOL Journal
Communication Highwire, as the circus metaphor implies, explores the balancing act inherent in any intercultural interaction: how to remain true to oneself while exploring aspects of other styles, with a goal of achieving more effective communication.
After decades of teaching and training across and about cultural differences, the three authors have found that labels such as "direct," "low context," or "polychronic," while providing initial insights, are not sufficient, and that a more "robust, and dynamic" (p. xi) analysis framework is needed.
Unlike most books on intercultural interactions, Communication Highwire moves beyond appreciation of cultural difference to suggest ways to leverage diverse styles for improved communication across cultures.
 | Getting the Most Out of a New Free Trade Agreement |
Many of us have found ourselves in the difficult situation in which people ask us to equip others to be cross-culturally effective and globally competitive, and then give us just a few short hours to do so.
Such was my task recently in Bogotá. The Colombian government had just signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the USA, and I had been invited to work with a lawyer and a business consultant, so that the three of us could, in five hours, better enable local businesses to make the most of this new opportunity.
My colleagues were excellent, and thanks to terrific teamwork and generous sharing of expertise, we were able to take a very diverse group of enthusiastic participants a long way in a short time.
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