
Before the advent of social media, Cultural Detective published an email newsletter, 'Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness: Tips, Techniques and Resources' several times a year. Get a clue and don’t miss another issue of this helpful publication.
May 2017
- Women in leadership and the first public use of Cultural Detective
- Teaming effectively across cultures: Study supports the effectiveness of Ecotonos
- Schedule of upcoming facilitator certification workshops in Portland and Vienna
- Research shows biggest cultural gaps are within not between countries
- One person can make a difference: creating a written language for Fulani
- Complimentary online professional development opportunities
September 2016
- Announcing Our NEW WEBSITE!!
- Diversity or Diversity? A personal dilemma
- Cultural Detective Facilitator Certification at the SIETAR USA Conference in Tulsa
- SAGE Encyclopedia of Intercultural Competence: Communicating with US Americans
- Diversely Gendered: Update to Cultural Detective LGBT
- Two Spirit Genders in Native America
- Latin America and Its Place in World Life
- The Hardest Part of Moving Overseas May Be Coming Home
- Announcing the Addition of FOUR NEW WEBINARS to our series!
April 2016
- Refugee Resettlement: Cultural values in the remaking
- Cultural Detective at the Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication
- Righting Culinary Injustice: Reclaiming ancestral traditions
- Complimentary Webinar on Bridging Cultures with Kate Berardo
- Closeup on Migrant Laborers: No child labor a good thing?
- Classic Multicultural Teaming Simulation Now in Its Fifth Edition! Ecotonos
- Online Professional Development Opportunities
October 2015
- Cultural Detective is a Top Business for 15 years in a row!
- Film Review: McFarland USA
- Kissing across Cultures
- Online Professional Development Opportunities
- "Mx" is Added to the Dictionary
- The Anisfield-Wolf Book Awards
- Improve to Strengthen Cross-cultural Communication
September 2015
- Launch of new package! Cultural Detective Morocco
- Sikh Captain America
- "On the Road with Migrants" Game
- Online Professional Development Opportunities
- Using the Body to Transform Conflict: 3 exercises
- Bilingualism Does Pay!—research
- 68 Countries in 21 Years: Digital nomad
August 2015
- New Book! Intention and Perception: A Mind-Opening Journey Across Cultures
- New Research: Culture and memory are biological
- Interesting Story on a Wedding in India
- Online Professional Development Opportunities
- Are You an Expert? Interculturalists' role
- 3 Activities on How Our Thoughts Affect Our Performance
- Report from the Field by Benjamin Smith
March-April 2015
- How Storytelling Affects the Brain: Why it's important to intercultural competence development
- SIETAR Europa Profiles Cultural Detective's Founder, Dianne Hofner Saphiere
- Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities
- Lampooning Leads to Fox News Apology
- Online Professional Development Opportunities
- The Value of Proverbs and Some Resources
- Open Street Map Project
February 2015
- Want to Get Out of the One-shot Training Rut?
- Launch of CD Iceland: Vinnan göfgar manninn. "Hard words break no bones."
- Van Gogh's Unique Insights and Intercultural Competence
- Cultural Detective Complimentary Professional Development Webinars
- Actions Don't "Create" Reactions
- Movie Review: Zindagi Na Milegi Dobra, "You Only Live Once"
- Je Suis Ahmed! Je Suis Charlie! I'll Ride With You!
January 2015
- Happy New Year! Thank you for being part of our community! 2014 Year in Review
- User Best Practices: How do universities develop students' intercultural competence?
- Cross-cultural Reality in the News: Time for a racism revolution!
- Cuisine, Culture and Performance: Gelinaz!
- Bananas! Training activity and feeding the world's hungry
- Online events you can't miss!
- The Almadraba: A dying cultural tradition?
- Global Nomad Santa; seriously!
August-September 2014
- The nasty (and noble) truth about culture shock, and ten tips for alleviating it
- Cultural Effective story: Microsoft
- Education as an alternative to violence: American University of Nigeria
- Upcoming facilitator certification courses: Vienna and Lille
- Cultural Madeleines: Evoking childhood through food memories
- Online events you can't miss!
- Film review: Searching for Sugarman
- Travelogue and culture crossers: Woolaroc Museum
- TCK identity: poem by a high schooler
- Film review: Migrants Moving History