Just wanted to let you know that we used Redundancia in the Gaming and Simulation course of our Master's program in Educational Technology this week to rave reviews. The students were very impressed with Redundancia on many levels. Almost everyone in our class speaks a second language (many speak three) and, in our part of the world, language is always a hot issue. So, there was much lively discussion and interest. For my part, as you know, I already knew the simulation but I must tell you that I was impressed with the facilitator's guide. We have been telling students the kind of things that should be included in a facilitator's guide but we had few really good examples to give. Congratulations to you and your fellow developers (including Bill Gay) for a fine product."
—Joanne Mowat, Professors, Concordia University, Montreal
"Redundancia is the most elegant and effective activity I've ever come across."
—Dee Peters, Principal Financial Group
"Redundancía remains one of the most simple, elegant and intelligent simulations I know."
—Sonia Ribaux, Instructional Designer and Experiential Learning Specialist
"Ecotonos not only introduces a culture shock-type experience of difference, but also it can bridge the experience of differences and skills and competence to overcome or mediate the differences. Something like, "OK, you know about the cultural differences. Then how do you or did you behave to overcome those differences? Were (are) they effective?" Those questions can lead to their own experience of what worked and what did not work. I think bringing intercultural competence and skills into discussion is easier with Ecotonos than with other popular simulations like Barnga and Bafa Bafa."
—Eriko Machi, Professor, Reitaku University, Tokyo
"Ecotonos went well in Wroclaw, Poland. The simulation surely works and it's a powerful tool to learn intercultural communication and problem solving skills. Especially the enculturation-acculturation process is well planned in this simulation. It gives depth to the whole process. I found that it seemed rather easy for the participants to go into their cultural roles."
—Paivi Koivumaanaho, Finland