• A simple and powerful process
  • Experiential learning through critical incidents
  • Reliable, repeatable, and structured process
  • Quickly develop applicable skills


Malaysia's emerging culture is a mixture and blending of more than 23 million people of mixed descent who are Malays, Bumiputras, Chinese, Indians and others who consider themselves citizens of the country. Culture, therefore has a significant influence in determining the way people communicate with members of their immediate family, their relatives, work peers, elders, strangers and local dignitaries. It influences the styles Malaysians use to persuade others and the languages they speak with fellow colleagues and foreigners.

Cultural Detective Malaysia is an attempt to assist you in identifying the common values that are found among the multicultural population, and their influence on how business is conducted, how relationships are built, and how conflicts are resolved to maintain understanding, harmony and unity in the country.

Cultural Detective Malaysia contains the following stories and critical incidents:

  • We Need a Change!:

    A US American manager is charged with improving profit margins at the Malaysian production facility.

  • Sticky Performance Appraisal, A:

    A Dutch manager implements a corporate performance feedback system at a Malaysian production site.

  • Supervisor's Dilemma, A:

    A Japanese sales manager questions his staff's activities.

  • Social Side of Accounting, The:

    An accountant from the UK experiences frustrations working with Malaysians.

  • Creating a Good Working Environment:

    Malaysians and French react differently to plans for Saturday office cleaning.

  • Launching a Pipeline Project:

    An Australian has difficulty with project management in Malaysia.

Cultural Detective Malaysia was authored by Kathleen A. Curran, Asma Abdullah and Dianne Hofner Saphiere.