Marie-Therese Claes, PhD
Professor of Cross-Cultural Management Louvain School of Management, University of Louvain, Belgium / Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Dr. Marie-Thérèse Claes, PhD, is professor of cross-cultural management at Louvain School of Management, University of Louvain, and at AIT (Asian Institute of Technology) in Thailand. In addition, she holds guest professorships at several other universities in Europe, Asia, and the United States of America, and has been Dean of the Faculty of Business at the Asian University Thailand. Marie-Thérèse is also consultant and coach for relocation, diversity management, and global leadership. She is a former president of the Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR Europa), and the European Women’s Management Development International Network (EWMD), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a Fulbright and a Japan Foundation alumna.
Co-author of Cultural Detective Belgium