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May 2005 Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness
Tips, Techniques and Resources

The launch of this bi-monthly newsletter coincides with our first anniversary. Thank you so much for your support. To subscribe, opt out, or forward this newsletter to a colleague, click the links at the bottom.

We hope you'll enjoy, and we welcome your feedback!

Best wishes,

The Cultural Detective Team

What Makes Effective Intercultural Learning?
  ASTD Workshop ASTD Workshop Cover

Truly effective intercultural learning? The American Society for Training and Development hosted a workshop entitled "Developing Intercultural Competence: An Accelerated Learning Approach."

The facilitators presented intercultural and accelerated learning criteria for assessing intercultural learning tools. A dialectical approach that looks at culture as a process rather than as a static unchanging "thing" is a foundational premise.

Multicultural, Virtual Team Productivity
  Four Activities to Try Author Photo

A highly interactive workshop on improving the performance of multicultural teams at SIETAR (Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research) USA used four experiential learning techniques.


Series Updates
  CD Philippines

L. Robert Kohls, a pioneer of the field of intercultural communication, recently wrote to us:

"Your contribution to the field is enormous! I am working on a history called "Benchmarks in the Development of the Intercultural Field," and the Cultural Detective will certainly be one of the benchmarks I include. You have done a most impressive piece of work on them!!!"

Just released in April: Cultural Detective Malaysia and The Philippines! 21 cultures are currently available, with free previews.

Now you can search our database of nearly 200 critical incidents by culture, industry, job function or key words, making it much easier to inject a cross-cultural component into your existing training on topics such as sales, customer service, negotiation or procurement.

Events and Resources

Late May: "Communication Highwire: Leveraging the Power of Diverse Communication Styles" will be released by Intercultural Press.

June 6, Orlando, Florida, USA, ASTD 2005: An innovative intercultural intervention conducted worldwide by a major multinational--"The Global Gallery Tour." See you there!

July 20-August 5, Oregon, USA, Summer Institute for Intercultural Communication (SIIC): "Leveraging Differences in Groups" and 44 other professional development workshops.

September 21-25, Côte d'Azur, FRANCE, SIETAR Europa Congress: Several sessions conducted by Cultural Detective authors. Please join us.


Contact Information

phone: USA 1 (913) 901-0243
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