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25 September 2008 Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness
Tips, Techniques and Resources
Put a Lens On It
George Simons   Using Values Lenses in Training in Asia Self Discovery Lens

For four years a colleague and I have been training highly multicultural groups for a large Asian organization and consistently, year after year, we rely more heavily on the use of Cultural Detective Values Lenses.

This article outlines the design we use as well as a couple of the challenges we face, including what we call "identity pain."

CD Facilitator Certification
  21-22 October, Granada, Spain Granada logo

The workshop, held as a pre-conference event in conjunction with the SIETAR Global Congress, will include an exceptionally diverse group of attendees from all over the world--business people, academics, NGOs. Attending the workshop provides an opportunity to support the SIETAR organization.

Participants tell us this workshop is one of the best professional development events they've attended, deepening their knowledge of the complexity of intercultural communication, and enhancing their versatility with techniques and approaches. The workshop receives superb reviews from both experienced interculturalists and those new to the field.

Participants can also register to receive one graduate-level continuing education credit.

Cultural Detective will have a booth at the SIETAR Global exhibition. Be sure to stop by to visit and see a demonstration of our new online course (available exclusively as organizational site licenses), the Interactive Reality Series.

Picasso's Guernica in 3-D
  Get Ready for Spain! Image of the "Guernica" painting

Here's a gift for you as you prepare to join us in Spain...

You are no doubt familiar with Picasso's Guernica, the incredible black and white cloth painting of the bombings of the Spanish city, on exhibit in Madrid's Queen Sofia National Art Center.

Now, Lena Gieseke uses the techniques of digital photography to present three-dimensional views of the famous painting from various angles. The result is fascinating and brings out fine detail of Picasso's shapes and forms and the workings of his imagination.

Houston Certification Rescheduled
  7-8 November logo Univ Houston Continuing Ed

Our prayers have been with those affected by the hurricanes and flooding. The September Cultural Detective Facilitator Certification was postponed due to Hurricane Ike. This provides you further opportunity to register if you have not already done so.

The workshop has been rescheduled for Friday and Saturday, 7 and 8 November, at the University of Houston.

Do Cities and Regions Have Cultures?
  Or, Rather, Personalities? US State of Mind map graphic

Speaking of Houston, how would you describe the people who live there? Do cities or regions have distinct cultures or personalities? An article in the journal "Perspectives on Psychological Science" indicates they do.

Click below to view what the researchers say are the distinct personality traits of different regions in the USA.

Discount on Anniversary Edition of Ecotonos
  Classic Multicultural Teaming Simulation Ecotonos anniversary edition photo

The new edition comes in a lightweight, hard plastic briefcase with handle; it's extremely easy to pack in your suitcase or carry to your training room.

All the good stuff you are used to is still included (culture name badges, 30 sets of rule cards, case studies, task instructions, process mapping), but the great news beyond its portability is that the facilitator guide now gives you instructions for conducting and debriefing this simulation in significantly less time! It also includes explanations of the theory underlying the simulation, and more examples of its uses worldwide in multiple contexts.

Intercultural Press has agreed to offer Cultural Detectives a 10% discount off this simulation for a limited time. Just mention code ECOREV80 when you order.

Visit Our Archive
  Past Issues Online

We have archived past issues of the Cultural Detective newsletter, Clues to Intercultural Effectiveness, as well as some past news flashes. Past issues include instructions for interesting activities, theoretical discussions about intercultural issues, and links to many intercultural resources. We trust you'll enjoy what you find.


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