In The News

Cultural Detective occasionally makes the news—sometimes unexpectedly and in unusual places and multiple languages. We invite you to investigate the articles below.
Une lentille n'est pas l'autre: Prenez un bain de culture avec la méthode Cultural Detective
Article in French by Sylvie Walraevens and Angela Owusu-Ansah, in the online magazine n'GO: Coopération au développement et relations humaines, No 16, février 2014.
De ene lens is de andere niet: Cultuurvaardig worden met de Cultural Detective methode
Article in Dutch by Sylvie Walraevens and Angela Owusu-Ansah, in the online magazine n'GO: Coopération au développement et relations humaines, februari 2014.
Blended Culture: A Global Reality
Thunderbird School of Global Management "Knowledge Network" article by Kris Bibler, November 2010.
Cultural Detective: Avoid cross-cultural trial by fire
Thunderbird School of Global Management "Knowledge Network" article by Kris Bibler, October 2010.
Cultural Detective: A Tool for Global Diversity and Inclusion Practices
Linkage Toolbox 2009. Kathleen Curran authored this contribution to the annual Linkage Toolbox, which includes a brief business case for Diversity and Inclusion, and provies instructions for a sample activity with debrief and application.
Understanding Values Differences
ASCA, November 2009. Carl Kay writes in Japanese and English to highlight some important differences between Japanese, US Americans and Germans.
The Intercultural Dynamics of Toxic Toys
Via Mei Magazine, January 2008. Written by Dianne Hofner Saphiere. Recent product recalls have had incredible negative repercussions for nearly everyone involved. Could cross-cultural skills have prevented the recalls?
China and the US: Regional Differences
Via Mei Magazine, October 2007. Written by Dianne Hofner Saphiere. China and the US are both huge nations with incredible regional diversity. Develop your cultural intelligence and learn some of the similarities and differences.
The Project Manager's Homepage
The Project Manager home page showcases Cultural Detective's interculturally competent approaches to international project management.
- Securing cross-cultural collaboration in international projects.
- Project management across borders: India.
- Meeting the intercultural challenges of virtual project management.
- Plus a series of international project management tips of the day.
China and the US: The Value on Prosperity
Via Mei Magazine, June 2007. Written by Dianne Hofner Saphiere and Wei Wei. China does not recognize Taiwan Republic of China as an independent nation – an incredibly tense and awkward political situation – yet annual trade between the two entities could be well over US$200 billion. How does Chinese culture permit or enable such a dichotomy?