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Cross-Cultural Trainer, Publicist, Freelance Journalist

K. Pica Kahn

K Pica Kahn is a cross-cultural trainer, publicist and freelance journalist for such publications as the Houston Chronicle and the Houston Business Journal. The daughter of a French father, her love of other cultures began during summers spent in France and other European countries.

Ms. Kahn studied in France and Belgium, and has worked throughout Canada and the Virgin Islands. Her diverse career includes owning and operating an import-export business, and producing television documentaries (joint ventures between U.S., France, and the UK's BBC).

During 13 years as a journalist, she has covered such people as Gen. Colin Powell, Steven Spielberg, Al Gore, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Zalmon Shoval, Secretary of State James Baker, Henry Kissinger, Mikhail Gorbachev, Dick Gephardt, Gary Hart and Walter Cronkite.

Pica has worked as an adjunct professor of English, Race Relations, Humanities in Western Civilization, and ESL on the college level. She teaches a course on Israel at Congregation Beth Israel in Houston and next fall will begin teaching a course on Jewish Heroes.

She lives with her son Yuri in the Clear Lake area of Houston, Texas, and is known for her great four-hour Shabbat dinners, especially her matzo ball soup!

Co-author of Cultural Detective Jewish Culture